Submitted by Tammy Herron

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal recently signed HB287 into law to transfer the administration of the Division of Archives and History from the Office of the Secretary of State to the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. The transfer officially took place on July 1, 2013. As a Coalition Partner, the SGA has received the following update from Kaye Minchew and Ken Thomas, Co-Chairs of the Coalition to Preserve the Georgia Archives.

Dear Coalition members,

Today marks a new day for the Georgia Archives as it joins the Board of Regents. The good news is that State Archives will begin staying open 4 days a week starting July 31st and they will be hiring three new full-time professional staff members. We will need to continue working in the coming years to get this up to 5 days a week and get more staff working at the Archives, but this is a great step in the right direction. Please know that none of this would have been possible without the support of the various Coalition members! You contacted legislators and the Governor and showed your concern for the Archives and for the history of Georgia. Thank you for all you did! We will be in touch with coalition members with updates and when further action is needed.

Kaye Minchew & Ken Thomas
Co-Chairs, Coalition to Preserve the Georgia Archives

Posted online on Thursday, July 4th, 2013

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Georgia Archives update

The SGA is a member of the Coalition to Preserve the Georgia Archives and has received the following information from the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Board (GHRAB) regarding HB 287, a bill to transfer the Georgia Archives from the Secretary of State’s Office to the Board of Regents, University System of Georgia.

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Georgia Archives update

The SGA is a member of the Coalition to Preserve the Georgia Archives and has received the following information from the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Board (GHRAB) regarding HB 287, a bill to transfer the Georgia Archives from the Secretary of State’s Office to the Board of Regents, University System of Georgia.

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