This message is a call for papers for the 2014 Symposium on Southeastern Coastal Plain Archaeology to be held on August 23, 2014 in the Stubbs Hall Auditorium on the Douglas Campus of South Georgia State College. Registration (free) will begin at 8:00am and papers promptly at 9:00am.

There will be a one-hour lunch break, two 15-minute mid-session breaks, and will end around 5:00pm. You are cordially invited to attend.

If you wish to present a paper, please submit a title, a one-paragraph abstract, and a two to three sentence speaker introduction. Speakers prepare for a 30-minute time slot for presentation, including questions. Submit these to S. Dwight Kirkland, Program Planner, via email by clicking here.

There will be the usual Archfest at Ruby Tuesdays beginning at 6:00pm on Friday evening for those coming into town early.

No special hotel arrangements have been made. Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Jameson Inn, Quality Inn, and Super 8 are chain hotels located near the campus. Check with these online to make reservations.

UPDATE from S. Dwight Kirkland, Program Planner, dated June 3rd: There seems to be a general lack of interest in this year’s Symposium on Southeastern Coastal Plain Archaeology to be held on August 23, at South Georgia State College in Douglas. To date I have received only two titles committed to the program. This will be my last call for papers. If you would like to present a paper, please send me a title, a short abstract (one paragraph), and a couple of sentences to introduce you to the audience. The abstract need not be complicated, just a simple summary of what you plan to talk about. If enough papers haven’t been committed to make a program by the first of August, I’ll cancel this year’s meeting.

Posted online on Monday, June 2nd, 2014

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