Misplaced your checkbook? No more stamps? Never fear! Joining SGA and paying your annual dues just got a lot easier, because SGA has adopted Square® as a means of accepting credit card payments! The service processes credit card payments two ways: through an online store and in person through a handy smartphone card reader. We’ve provided a link to the Square® store via our Join Now webpage, so follow the link to join or pay your 2015 membership dues online today! The Square® card reader will also be available at all our regular meetings, so we’ll be able to accept membership dues and meeting registration fees on site with a simple swipe!

Please note, a small $2.00 processing fee will be added to all credit card orders. We hope that our existing and future members will find the new payment method a convenient option. It will also cut down on payment processing costs for SGA, so that more of your money goes to help the organization! SGA will, of course, continue to accept payments the the old fashioned way for all you snail-mail lovers out there.

Posted online on Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

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SGA in Depth

The Society of Georgia Archaeology (SGA), initiated in the 1930s and reorganized in 1973, is a 501(c)3 (non-profit) organization; its members are avocational and professional archaeologists. These pages on the website lead to more information about our organization.

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