Photo 1 J.R. gets to work repairing my cabinets.

Here local guest inspectors Agnes and Rene’ examine the first stage of my spa treatments. Fortunately, they gave me high marks all around. I understand, however, that they flunked a box truck younger than me only last week. Phew, I was lucky!

Photo 2. The inspectors approve of my upgraded underwater exhibit.

Then I went to the Doctor Mechanic and he and his assistants spent weeks replacing and repairing my mechanical parts and changing my fluids and filters. I started up on the first try after that and have been purring like the proverbial kitten. )

Photo 3. Boy, those doctor mechanics did every test imaginable.

I got a thorough inside cleaning before Veronica took me to get BRAND NEW SHOES! Hooray! You know I went window shopping for shoes a few years ago when I was at the Savannah Mall with the Armstrong Anthropology Club, but nothing seemed to scream “me”, if you know what I mean. Well when I was in the spa, I got not one, not two, but THREE new pairs of shoes! Thank goodness someone had my size! Veronica and her guest co-pilot “calm as a cucumber” Agnes took me to the tire place and got me fitted with six of the most gorgeous treads you have ever seen. I’ll be dancing down the highway now!

Photo 4. Unlike most of Veronica’s copilots, this one was quite calm.

Well, Diary, after I got all those new shoes, I couldn’t go around Georgia in the same drab old outfit, could I? So Veronica gave me a brand new coat of lovely moss green paint. It looks so much better than the outdated peachy color I wore when I was little. I think it brings out the tones in my exterior wrap, don’t you?

Photo 5. My new wardrobe of green paint.

After a bit of accessorizing with new safety features, I was definitely ready mechanically and cosmetically for the road and excited to do more gigs around east Atlanta. Get ready Stone Mountain, here I come!

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June 28th, 2013

\ The kids in Collins Hill were really getting into all of the games that I brought along with me. They really wanted to learn about archaeology, because it was a scorcher outside!

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