The fall SGA meeting is quickly approaching, but there’s still time to contribute! SGA is soliciting short paper and/or poster presentations for the fall meeting to be held the morning of Saturday, October 17 at Fort Daniel Elementary School in Gwinnett County, Georgia. Following the meeting, the SGA will be attending the Fort Daniel Foundation’s 7th Annual Frontier Faire at the nearby Fort Daniel Archaeological Site for an afternoon of food, music, and fun activities!

The SGA’s mission is to unite all persons interested in the archaeology of Georgia, so avocationals, professionals, and students are all encouraged to participate. For this particular meeting, we would especially like to encourage student participation by welcoming college students or recent graduates to come share their archaeology projects and experiences in order to highlight their great work and scholarship. Did you have a great field school or study abroad experience this summer? Are you working on an exciting senior capstone project or master’s thesis? Want to preview a poster you’ll be taking to SEAC in Nashville this November? SGA invites you to come deliver a short presentation or poster on any archaeological topic to SGA members and interested members of the public. But time and available slots are limited, so please submit a title and abstract (100 words or less) to this email by October 5, 2015. Please direct any questions to the above email link as well.

We’re happy to have joined with the Fort Daniel Foundation to have our meeting coincide with their 7th annual Frontier Faire. Please check out the previous meeting announcement where additional information on the Fall SGA meeting and schedule will be posted as it becomes available.

See you at the SGA Meeting/Fort Daniel Frontier Faire in October!

Posted online on Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

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