The SGA’s Spring Meeting is almost here. This year the meeting will be on Saturday May 13 in Savannah Georgia.

May is Archaeology Month in Georgia and the theme of both Archaeology Month and of the Spring Meeting is “Raised from the Depths: The Archaeology of the Civil War in Georgia.” The meeting in Savannah will focus on the Civil War in Georgia and will spotlight the recent raising of the CSS Georgia and ongoing preservation work on the Confederate warship. Our Saturday program will include a keynote talk by Julie Morgan on the C.S.S. Georgia as well as tours of the Cluskey Embankment Stores, Old Fort Jackson, and Fort Pulaski. It should be a fun and informative program!

The Spring Meeting in Savannah will be divided into two parts, a morning presentation and an afternoon activity. Registration will begin May 13, 2017 at 7:30 am at the DoubleTree Inn in downtown Savannah. The SGA business meeting, the keynote address, and Cluskey Embankment Stores tour will occur in the morning 8am-11am, followed by an on-your-own break for lunch. The meeting resumes with afternoon guided tours of Fort Jackson at 1:30pm and Fort Pulaski at 3pm.  For details, please see the complete Spring Meeting Schedule. Key locations and times are embedded in the map below:

Registration for the morning meeting and keynote address is $10.00. Registration for the afternoon tours is $15.00. Total registration for all SGA Spring Meeting events is $25.00. Advance meeting registration is strongly encouraged, but registration at the door on the day of the meeting will be available. You can register for the meeting online at the SGA square store. Or you can  use this Registration Form and print, complete, and mail (to SGA Secretary, P.O. Box 80744, Atlanta, GA 30366) or email it to the SGA secretary. Pre-registrations must be received no later than May 1, 2017.

The DoubleTree Inn has agreed to reserve a block of twenty (20) room as a courtesy for a discounted rate of $189.00 a night plus taxes and fees. Click Here for a link to make reservations or call the hotel directly at 912-790-7000 and tell them you are interested in a room from the SGA block. Attendees can also find lodging elsewhere, with many lower priced alternatives located outside of downtown.

Parking is expected to be in high demand so members are encouraged to factor in a little extra travel time to account for parking. Do not count on the Double Tree Inn to have available parking! There are several public pay-for parking decks very close to the Double Tree Inn and meeting attendees are encouraged to seek these public areas to park. Parking in Savannah is not free so budget accordingly. Parking for afternoon tour attendees will be available at Fort Jackson and Fort Pulaski and is included in your registration fee.

Posted online on Friday, April 28th, 2017

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