Figure 1. Discovering socio-economics through puzzle pieces.

Figure 2. Getting a helping hand at identifying seeds, pollen, and phytoliths from archaeological sites.

Figure 3. All hands on deck, inside the ArchaeoBus!

Figure 4. For $10,000 (or was it a free archaeology poster?) can you spin the wheel and answer this question?

Figure 5. Soft pelts and hard rocks, Native American artifacts and archaeology to explore.

Figure 6. If you think all the interactives under the tent are cool, you should go inside the ArchaeoBus!

Figure 7.Tools for Native American pottery decorating.

Figure 8. Step right up and try your hand at pollen analysis!






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December 12th, 2012

When I was here for Archaeology Day over the summer I knew this would be a great place to spread the word about the fun and importance of ARCHAEOLOGY!! I am so excited that New South Associates invited me back to strut my archaeological stuff and educate kids and older folks all over the Stone Mountain/East Atlanta/Dekalb County area!

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