The next Ocmulgee Archaeological Society (OAS) meeting will Monday, May 7th at 6:30 pm in** Room 144** of the Science and Engineering Building located at 1550 College Street on the Macon campus of Mercer University. For directions to our meeting location check out the map on our website at


This month’s speaker is professional archaeologist, Terry Jackson, speaking to our group on a subject that is of great importance to the future of archaeology in middle Georgia. Terry’s discussion will be titled “Middle Georgia at the Crossroads of Conservation Archaeology.”


[Good News!!!]{.underline}

Our new OAS shirts are ready and available for purchase ($30) at this meeting. All money from the sell will go into the OAS treasury fund to help pay for future events and speakers. Special thanks goes to OAS member David Mincey for his contribution to make this happen.


[OAS Upcoming Events

On Saturday, May 12th from 1 to 4 pm, OAS will be having an Indian artifacts identification day at Fort Hawkins in Macon. The OAS is cosponsoring this event with the Fort Hawkins Commission.


On Saturday, May 19th from 12 to 4 pm, wOAS will be cosponsoring “Archaeology Day” at the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Macon. This event includes “hands on”  programs for the public and we will need member participation to help out. Please plan to attend and help make this event a success.


Also on May 19th at the Arts and Sciences Museum at 1:30 pm, Archaeologist Stephen Hammock will be giving a presentation titled “Exploring Macon’s Past-The Archaeology of the Ocmulgee River Valley”.


Posted online on Friday, May 4th, 2018

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Ocmulgee Archaeological Society (OAS) Meeting Announcement- June 5th, 2018

The next Ocmulgee Archaeological Society (OAS) meeting will be 6:30 pm in Room 202 of the Science and Engineering Building located at 1550 College Street on the Macon campus of Mercer University.

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