At the 2018 Spring meeting, Tammy Herron received the Joseph R. Caldwell Award for outstanding service to Georgia Archaeology. The Caldwell Award recognizes those individuals dedicating a noteworthy amount of time and energy toward supporting an archaeological project; making outstanding contributions in the area of public education and Georgia archeology; and providing substantial support for SGA and its programs over time.

Tammy Herron, recipient of the 2018 Joseph R. Caldwell Award

Tammy exemplifies all four criteria of SGA’s Joseph R. Caldwell Award. She has “provided substantial support for SGA and its programs for a significant number of years” (Criterion 4) and “filled a critical role in fundraising in support of ongoing archaeological programs/and or projects” (Criterion 3). For eight years Tammy has been the driving force behind SGA’s Archaeology Month posters, education packet, calendar of events, and materials distribution, most often as Archaeology Month Chair. She has spearheaded SGA’s presence at CoastFest since 2007 through the present and worked the event from set-up to break down virtually every one of those years. Tammy routinely supports the ArchaeoBus, and has “worked the bus” at numerous events including annually at CoastFest (2009-present), two long stints at the Georgia National Fair (2010-2011), at SEAC (2016), at the Archaeological Society of South Carolina’s 50^th^ Anniversary Conference (2018), and at other events over the years. In addition to giving freely of her time and photography talents to help with SGA meetings and events, Tammy also supports SGA financially, donating often to the Endowment Fund and the ArchaeoBus . Tammy has also served actively as an SGA Board Member (2006-2010), Vice President (2010-2012), President (2012-2014), and ex-officio (2014-2016).

Criterion 2 of the Caldwell Award making “outstanding contributions in the area of public education of Georgia archaeology” is also one of Tammy’s hallmarks. She has worked with the Augusta Library in establishing multiple displays on historical topics. In 2010 she created a display in the Screven County Library for Georgia Archaeology Month. She brought archaeology to the public for several years during the “Georgia on My Mind” Celebration, using hands-on activities and displays at the Georgia Visitor’s Center in Screven County.  Tammy also shares her archaeological knowledge with the public as a guest speaker and during Artifact ID Days with various SGA chapters. She has also actively served in various officer positions in the Augusta Archaeological Society chapter of SGA and continues to be a major foundation of that chapter’s success. Tammy does not restrict her public archaeology education to Georgia, however, and also assists South Carolina museums and historical societies.

Tammy has “dedicated a significant amount of time and energy in support of an archaeological project” (Criterion 1 of the award). She is especially recognized for her expertise, archaeological work, reports, and presentations about  George Galphin, an 18^th^ century wealthy and influential Indian trader and who lived on the Savannah River at Silver Bluff, South Carolina. In addition, Tammy has been an invaluable member of the Savannah River Archaeological Research Program as staff Curator of Archaeological Collections since 1995.

This is only a short list of many of Tammy’s accomplishments, yet it is clear to see she easily exemplifies the Caldwell Award criteria. Tammy is the rare individual who gives freely of her time and skills, seeks no recognition, yet works hard constantly and continually to further archaeological knowledge and preservation. She is particularly worthy of this accolade. Congratulations, Tammy!

Rita Elliott (left), Tammy Herron (center), and Tom Lewis (right) presenting the Joseph R. Caldwell award


Rita Elliott (left) and Tammy Herron (right)

Posted online on Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018

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