Book review: Archaeological Encounters with Georgia's Spanish Period, 1526-1700

5 Min Read

Submitted by Kelly Woodard ([email protected]) Recently, members of the SGA received Archaeological Encounters in Georgia’s Spanish Period, 1526-1700: New Findings and Perspectives, edited by Dennis B. Blanton and Robert A. DeVillar, a joint publication of the Society for Georgia Archaeology, Special Publication Number 2 and the Institute for Global Initiatives’ Journal of Global Initiative, Volume 5, Number 1.

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Bookmobile today---Archaeology bus tomorrow

2 Min Read

Submitted by Betsy Shirk The story of the transformation of the Bookmobile acquired by SGA from the Athens Clarke County Regional Library continues! The Archaeology Mobile Advisory Panel had its first meeting on Saturday, November 10.

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Botanical lesson: Osage orange tree

4 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Osage orange hedgerow and windbreak in a late March snowstorm in Michigan. The background for this discussion is drawn from Frank F. Schambach’s ground-breaking article in Plains Anthropologist (vol.

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1 Min Read

like BP, a designation for years before present, with 1950 the index year that’s considered “the present,” but for uncorrected radiocarbon dates Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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1 Min Read

designates years before present, with 1950 the index year that’s considered “the present,” for corrected radiocarbon dates Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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BRAG artifact identification day set for Saturday, March 15

2 Min Read

Blue Ridge Archaeology Guild members and archaeologist Dr. Jack T. Wynn of the University of North Georgia will examine, record, and identify your prehistoric artifact collections and discuss their function. “While we can’t appraise or speculate about the value of an object, we can certainly talk about who, what, when, where, and how.

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BRAG March 2015 Newsletter is here!

1 Min Read

Blue Ridge Archaeology Guild’s March 2015 newsletter is here! Catch up with the activities that took place in March including excavations at Farmer’s Bottom with the Forest Service and Southern Research, Inc.

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BRAG meeting focuses on Moundville archaeology

1 Min Read

The Blue Ridge Archaeology Guild (BRAG) will meet on Wednesday, January 22, at 7:00 p.m., at the United Community Bank in Dahlonega, Georgia, 206 Morrison Moore Parkway. BRAG President Tony Shore will give a presentation titled, “Moundville Archaeology and the Moundville Museum.

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BRAG meeting talk featuring Göbekli Tepe

1 Min Read

The Blue Ridge Archaeology Guild will meet Thursday, November 2, at 7:00 p.m., at the United Community Bank on Morrison Moore Parkway (Hwy 52), Dahlonega. Archaeologist Dr. James D’Angelo will speak about the nearly 12,000 year old temple at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, which he recently visited.

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BRAG meeting to focus on Bartram's travels

1 Min Read

The Blue Ridge Archaeology Guild will meet Thursday, October 23, at 7 p.m., at the United Community Bank Building on Morrison Moore Parkway, Dahlonega. Cliff Shaw will present a program titled “William Bartram and the Search for his Great Buffalo Lick in Oglethorpe County.

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