Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society Newsletter- April 2018

1 Min Read

The Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society has recently released its April newsletter- Gwinnett Archaeology Bulletin Vol VII, Issue 4. The newsletter contains information about the addition of the Georgia Northeast Freeway Branch and its recent listing to the National Register of Historic Places.

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Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society Newsletter- May 2018

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The Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society has recently released its May newsletter- the Gwinnett Archaeology Bulletin, Vol. VII, Issue 5. This issue contains an article by Eli Stancel “Military Structure During the War of 1812” as well as shorter updates about Historic Preservation Month and preserving history through archaeology at sites such as Fort Daniel.

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Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society's Newsletter-March

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The Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society’s March newsletter is ready! You can download it here or download from the GARS Web site. Posted online on Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

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Gwinnett Chapter busy with Fort Daniel activities

2 Min Read

GARS and Friends of Fort Daniel (FFD), a special committee created for Fort Daniel preservation efforts, have had a lot going on since the last Profile. Since Fort Daniel’s listing as one of ten historic properties listed the Georgia Trust’s 2009 Places in Peril, GARS and FFD have submitted an application for a Georgia Trust preservation grant.

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Have a drink in a "new" eighteenth century coffeehouse

3 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) View east down Williamsburg’s Duke of Gloucester Street, from Google Earth, a free downloadable program. If you want to have coffee in an historic eighteenth century coffeehouse, you can now do so!

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Hawai'i archaeological site data available online

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Excavations at Kuliouou shelter, Hawai’i, 1950, from Bishop Museum website. In Hawai’i, the Bishop Museum is the repository of information on the state’s archaeological sites. Recently, the Museum has released this data online in a searchable database.

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Help save UGA's Rutherford Hall

2 Min Read

Submitted by Inger Wood ([email protected]) Get busy! Attend this meeting tonight! UGA’s Student Historic Preservation Organization, along with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation, the Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation, and other interested parties, have been trying to change the minds of our University Architects concerning the fate of Rutherford Hall, a dorm on the Myers Quad.

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Help wanted (Or, Uncle Dan wants YOU!)

1 Min Read

The Georgia Mountains chapter (GMAS) is looking for a few good men and women with a strong archaeological interest in field survey, recording sites, and investigating prehistoric and historic occupations here in northeast Georgia.

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Henry D. Green Symposium highlights Georgia history

3 Min Read

Submitted by Catherine Long The Seventh Biennial Henry D. Green Symposium of the Decorative Arts was held Thursday, January 30 through Saturday, February 1 at the University of Georgia Hotel and Conference Center.

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Herb Walk in Greene County on November 7th

3 Min Read

Photo from OnLineAthens. The Friends of Scull Shoals will sponsor a guided tour of Dr. Durham’s Herb Walk beginning at 2:00 pm on Sunday, November 7, 2010, at the Scull Shoals Education Center in Greene County.

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