Kolomoki and southwest Georgia

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In 2002, the Society focused Archaeology Month events around prehistoric archaeological sites in southwest Georgia, specifically the famous site of Kolomoki. Click here to download a copy of SGA’s 2002 poster commemorating this theme.

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Lamar Institute to dig at Fort Hawkins

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Submitted by Kelly Woodard ([email protected]) Macon.com contributing writer Jim Gaines featured a story August 30, 2011, regarding the Lamar Institute’s renewal of their 2005 dig at Fort Hawkins. The article mainly addresses the call for volunteers at the site from October 10 through 28, 2011.

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Late-breaking Archaeology Month activity sponsored by the Friends of Scull Shoals

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Submitted by Jack Wynn ([email protected]) Event: Spring Crafts Festival, Scull Shoals Mill Village Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009 Time: 10 AM – 4:00 PM Location: Macedonia Road to FS Road 1234, Off GA Highway15, between Athens and Greensboro.

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Leake Site exhibition opens in Columbus

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The Gateway to the Past: Georgia’s Leake Site exhibition is now open and will be on display through Sunday, September 23, 2012 at the Columbus Museum, on Wynnton Road east of downtown Columbus.

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Leake Site on Georgia Trust's 2010 Places in Peril list

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On November 4th 2009, the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation announced its 2010 list of Georgia’s top ten Places in Peril, which includes the Leake Archaeological Site, a rich Middle Woodland and Late Mississippian-period prehistoric settlement on the outskirts of Cartersville.

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Leake site talk at Tellus Museum

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Submitted by Scot Keith (New South Associates, inc.) Scot Keith, Archaeologist and Principal Investigator with New South Associates (in photo at right, on the Leake site during excavations), will be giving a talk about the Leake site at the Tellus Science Museum near Cartersville, Thursday, February 3, 2011.

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Leake Site update, 2009

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Submitted by Scot Keith ([email protected]) Between 2004 and 2006, Southern Research conducted two separate data recovery investigations at the Leake site, located in the Etowah River floodplain just southwest of Cartersville in Bartow County.

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Learn about Georgia's prehistoric pottery online

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Want to learn about the decorations on prehistoric pottery from Georgia? Try the University of Georgia’s website “Georgia Indian Pottery Site.” The current version was developed this year, and improves on the previous version, which was begun in 2005.

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Learning about the past: Jefferson Davis

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Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected]) Google Maps view of Jefferson Davis Memorial Historic Site, near Irwinville. As I ventured out into traffic to navigate my way through Atlanta and the ubiquitous immobility of rush hour, I was thrilled to arrive several hours later unscathed and without any trouble—to the other side of Macon.

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Learning from the past: where people lived changed over time

3 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) In your travels and when looking at maps of Georgia, you can see that today’s human population is irregularly distributed across the state. There’s a huge demographic core in metro-Atlanta, with additional centers around Augusta, Savannah, Columbus, Macon, and Athens.

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