New World

1 Min Read

the geographical landmass, area, or macroregion that includes North, Central, and South America, and the Caribbean Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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News about Duckett site research

2 Min Read

Shovel testing amidst kudzu and weeds at the Duckett site. From left to right: Will Phillips (kneeling), Greg Spike, Dr. Tamara Spike, and Tyler Stewart. Photo by Jack Wynn. Long-time SGA member Jack Wynn suggests our members and friends may be interested in reading this story by Hannah Parson, “Students Unearth History and Mystery at the Duckett Site,” posted on The Steeple, the online student newspaper of for the University of North Georgia–Dahlonega and the Military College of Georgia.

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News flash from the Georgia Department of Archives and History

2 Min Read

It has come to our attention that throughout research constituencies and communities in Georgia and beyond, many people have not yet heard that the Georgia Archives, now a unit of the University System of Georgia, now has expanded days and hours of public access, as well as some restoration of staff positions.

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News from Chieftains Museum/Major Ridge Home

1 Min Read

Submitted by Dave Davis (daved1@bellsouth) Dave Davis is currently assisting Pat Garrow on further analysis of the artifacts recovered from the museum grounds in 1969-1971. We look forward to new insights from this important Cherokee center in northwest Georgia.

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News of the H.L. Hunley

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Image from US Navy website here, and credited to R.G. Skerrett, and dated 1902. It’s been ten years since the submarine H.L. Hunley was lifted from the water just outside of Charleston Harbor.

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Newsflash: ArchaeoBus will attend Spring Meeting

1 Min Read

Attend the SGA’s Spring Meeting on Saturday, May 15th, 2010, at The Parks at Chehaw, outside of Albany, and tour the ArchaeoBus! Stay tuned to this website for more information about other activities planned for the meeting.

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Next SGA Board Meeting scheduled

1 Min Read

The SGA Board Meeting will be at 3 pm on Friday, May 15th, in Taylor 110, a classroom at Wesleyan College in Macon. It will begin immediately following the GCPA general meeting.

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No cell phone: how do you communicate long-distance?

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Get out your imagination. Consider this… You live in a world without cell phones, without cars, or even bicycles or horses to ride. You walk if you want to go somewhere overland.

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Nominations open for 2010 Places in Peril

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Metcalf is a south Georgia community established in the late nineteenth-century. It has recently been threatened by developers. The Trust placed Metcalf on its 2009 Places in Peril list.

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North American megafaunal extinctions considered

4 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Figure 3 from Firestone et al. paper. Have you read (heard?) about the hypothesis that an extraterrestrial impact lead to the extinction of Pleistocene megafauna in North America?

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