April 8, 2010

1 Min Read

\ I was christened Abby on May 16, 2009. These photos show the big party SGA gave me. Look at all my guests! There was a drum roll and my unveiling, and a kazoo band and a cake with my picture and little pink party favors and door prizes… It’s hard to be a celebrity, but I think I handle it quite well.

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April GARS meeting topic: a Spanish Paleolithic cave

2 Min Read

Submitted by Jim D'Angelo ([email protected]) Dr. Jim D’Angelo will give a presentation on examples of Cro-Magnon and later cave art, at the monthly meeting of the Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society, a chapter of the SGA, at its meeting on Thursday April 8, 2010.

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1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Give back to projects and missions that you’re interested in. Let SGA be the recipient of your volunteerism. Archaeo-Volunteers: The World Guide to Archaeological and Heritage Volunteering, a 2009 book edited by Fabio Ausenda and Erin McCloskey (ISBN: 978-88-89060-15-5), is a good place to start if you are interested in working with a project abroad, however.

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ArchaeoBus at Fort Hawkins for week

2 Min Read

Image from the cover of The Fort Hawkins Master Plan. Click here to access that document. This week, 24–31 October, 2011, the SGA’s ArchaeoBus is at Fort Hawkins, while excavations are in progress.

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ArchaeoBus contact updated

1 Min Read

The ArchaeoBus is Georgia’s Mobile Archaeology Classroom! The contact for the ArchaeoBus is now Jenna Pirtle; click here to contact the Archaeobus staff and bring Abby to your future event!

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ArchaeoBus in Stone Mountain

1 Min Read

Submitted by Rita Elliott and Nick Joseph ([email protected]) Abby the ArchaeoBus is now in residence at New South Associates in Stone Mountain. NSA has a wonderful crew lined up and will be doing public outreach with Abby for most of the next six months or so (now through early summer).

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ArchaeoBus scheduling for October 2010

1 Min Read

The ArchaeoBus is touring in October 2010! In her diary, Abby notes that she attended the CoastFest in Brunswick on October 2nd—along with over 7500 human visitors! Then, from October 7 through 17, the ArchaeoBus will be in Perry, south of Macon, at the Georgia National Fair.

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ArchaeoBus teaches teachers in Athens

1 Min Read

Photos by GCSS Board Member Ed Jackson. On Friday, October 21st, 2011, the ArchaeoBus spent the day at the Georgia Council for the Social Studies conference in Athens. GCSS Conference Coordinator Diane Sloan notes that 510 attended the conference, and that “the conference was a great success due in no small part to your participation.

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ArchaeoBus visits Glynn County school

1 Min Read

The online version of Jacksonville’s The Florida Times-Union published a story on the Society’s own ArchaeoBus on 24 November 2009, saying: Glynn County students are getting an education this week without have to dig for it.

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ArchaeoBus visits library in Danielsville

2 Min Read

Submitted by Tom Gresham \ The ArchaeoBus is back in the Athens area and made a visit on April 16th, 2011, to the Madison County Library in Danielsville. Tom Gresham and Teresa Groover hosted the half-day “open bus” on a pretty, windy, spring day.

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